写真はFort Knox。

Authored by Mike Maharrey via The 10th Amendment Center,

The Texas Bullion Depository officially opened for business this week. The creation of the facility represents a power-shift away from the federal government, and sets the foundation to undermine the Federal Reserve’s monopoly on money.


In June 2015, Gov. Greg Abbot signed legislation creating the state gold bullion and precious metal depository. The facility will not only provide a secure place for individuals, business, cities, counties, government agencies and even other countries to store gold and other precious metals, the law also creates a mechanism to facilitate the everyday use of gold and silver in transactions. In short, a person will eventually be able to deposit gold or silver – and pay other people through electronic means or checks – in sound money.

2015年6月に、州知事Greg Abbotは州立金塊保管所設立法案にサインした。この設備が対象にするのは、個人、企業、市、郡、政府機関そして他国にゴールド等の貴金属保管を行うだけでなく、この法案は毎日の取引にゴールドやシルバーを用いる仕組みを生み出している。簡単に言うと、人々はゴールドやシルバーを預託するだけでなく、他人への支払いを電子的に正貨で行うようになる。

The facility began accepting deposits of precious metals on Wednesday, June 6. Texas Comptroller Glenn Hegar became the first depositor. He praised the depository as a secure place to store gold and silver.

この設備は6月6日水曜から貴金属預託を始めた。Texas Comptroller Glenn Hegarが最初の預託者となった。同社はゴールドやシルバーの安全な保管設備として称賛している。

“Once you’ve made that deposit, it is going to be there tomorrow and in the future, until you make a decision to withdraw it or you want to sell it,” he told the Texas Tribune.

「みなさんが一旦預託をすると、翌日以降に引き出しも売却もできる」と同社はTexas Tribune紙に伝えた。

Rep. Giovanni Capriglione sponsored the legislaiton creating the depository. He also deposited gold on Wednesday. He said he thinks the Texas facility could be the first of many across the U.S.

Giovanni Capriglione議員が保管所創設法案を提案した。彼もまた水曜にゴールドを預託した。彼が言うにはテキサスの設備が全米で初めてだ。

“I can’t think of any place else in the world that could create a bullion depository this way, and I’ve heard from legislators across the country who want to do what we are doing, from Tennessee to Utah,” he said in a statement. “We will see a lot of financial interest in this depository, with gold, silver and other commodities coming here.”


Austin-based Lone Star Tangible Assets runs the depository for the state. It currently operates it out of its existing facility in Austin, but plans to open a new building for the depository in Leander sometime in 2019.

Austinを拠点とするLone Star Tangible Assetsが州政府の保管所を運用している。現在はAustinの既存の設備を運用するが、2019年にはLeanderにも新たな設備を運用開始の予定だ。

You don’t have to be a Texas resident to use the depository. Any U.S. citizen can set up an account online and then ship or personally deliver metal to the facility. The Texas Bullion Depository will accept gold, silver, platinum, rhodium and palladium.

The depository does not currently have a system in place to faciliate everyday transactions with gold and silver, but that remains part of the long-term plan.

According to an article in the Star-Telegram, state officials want a facility “with an e-commerce component that also provides for secure physical storage for Bullion.” While in the development phase, officials said plans for a depository will include online services that would let customers accept, transfer and withdraw bullion deposits and related fees.


Ultimately, depositors will be able to use a bullion-funded debit card that seamlessly converts gold and silver to fiat currency in the background. This will enable them to make instant purchases wherever credit and debit cards are accepted.


By making gold and silver available for regular, daily transactions by the general public, the new depository has the potential for wide-reaching effect. Professor William Greene is an expert on constitutional tender and said in a paper for the Mises Institute that when people in multiple states actually start using gold and silver instead of Federal Reserve notes, it would effectively nullify the Federal Reserve and end the federal government’s monopoly on money.

ゴールドやシルバーが一般の人に通常の決算で利用できるようになると、この新規保管所は広範囲な潜在的影響力を持つ。William Greeneは法定通貨の専門家だ、そして彼がMises Institute紙で言うには、複数の州でFED紙幣でなくゴールドやシルバー利用が始まると、FEDの力を無効にし、連邦政府の通貨独占の終わりとなる。

“Over time, as residents of the state use both Federal Reserve notes and silver and gold coins, the fact that the coins hold their value more than Federal Reserve notes do will lead to a ‘reverse Gresham’s Law’ effect, where good money (gold and silver coins) will drive out bad money (Federal Reserve notes).

「長年、米国民は連邦紙幣と金貨銀貨を併用してきた、金貨銀貨は連邦紙幣よりも固有価値があり、これは「逆Gresham's Law 悪貨は良貨を駆逐する」を引き起こすだろう、そうなると良貨(金貨銀貨)が悪貨(連邦紙幣)を駆逐するだろう。

“As this happens, a cascade of events can begin to occur, including the flow of real wealth toward the state’s treasury, an influx of banking business from outside of the state – as people in other states carry out their desire to bank with sound money – and an eventual outcry against the use of Federal Reserve notes for any transactions.”


Gresham’s Law holds that “bad money drives out good.”  For example, when the U.S. government replaced silver quarters and dimes with coins made primarily of less valuable copper, the cheap coins drove the silver out of circulation. People hoarded the more valuable silver coins and spent the less valuable copper money. So, how do you reverse Gresham?

Gresham's Lawとは「悪貨は良貨を駆逐する」というものだ。たとえば、米国政府が25セント硬貨や10セント硬貨に安い銅を使うようになると、安価なコインはシルバーコインが市場に出回らなくなる。人々はより貴重な銀貨を備蓄しより安価な銅貨を利用する。というわけでどういうふうにするとGreshamに反することが起きるのだろう?

The key is in making it easier to use gold and silver in everyday transactions. The reason bad money drives out good is that governments put up barriers to using sound money in day-to-day life. That makes it more costly to spend gold and silver and incentivizes hoarding. When you remove barriers, you level the playing field and allow gold and silver to compete head-to-head with Federal Reserve notes. On an even playing field, gold and silver beat fiat money every time.


The Texas Bullion Depository also creates an avenue toward financial independence. Countries around the world, including China, Russia and Turkey, have been buying gold to limit their dependence on the U.S. dollar. University of Houston political science professor Brandon Rottinghaus said a state depository can serve a similar function for Texas.

テキサス金塊保管所は金融独立への道筋をつくっている。世界の中では、中国やロシア、トルコのようにゴールドを積極的に買い進めている国がある、米ドルへの依存度を限定的にするためだ。Houston大学政治学教授のBrandon Rottinghausが言うには、州立保管所はテキサス州に対して同様の機能を提供するという。

“This is another in a long line of ways to make Texas more self-reliant and less tethered to the federal government. The financial impact is small but the political impact is telling, Many conservatives are interested in returning to the gold standard and circumvent the Federal reserve in whatever small way they can.”


The Texas Bullion Depository creates a mechanism to challenge the federal government’s monopoly on money and provides a blueprint for other states to follow. If the majority of states controlled their own supply of gold, and people began using precious metals in daily transactions, it could conceivably make the Federal Reserve completely irrelevant.
