


Weekend Reading: Time To Be A Contrarian?

Tyler Durden's picture

Submitted by Lance Roberts via RealInvestmentAdvice.com,

In yesterday’s post, I discussed Howard Mark’s view on being a contrarian. To wit:

昨日の記事で、私はコントラリアンとしてのHoward Marks視点について議論した:確認しよう:

“Resisting – and thereby achieving success as a contrarian – isn’t easy. Things combine to make it difficult; including natural herd tendencies and the pain imposed by being out of step, particularly when momentum invariably makes pro-cyclical actions look correct for a while. (That’s why it’s essential to remember that ‘being too far ahead of your time is indistinguishable from being wrong.’)



Given the uncertain nature of the future, and thus the difficulty of being confident your position is the right one – especially as price moves against you – it’s challenging to be a lonely contrarian.”


The important point of his comment is that being too far ahead of a turning point (either bullish or bearish), even though ultimately being proved right, is still “indistinguishable from being wrong.”


However, there is a huge difference between being making the right call early, particularly when the trend is changing from bullish to bearish, and making no call at all.


The “buy and hold” mantra is essentially based on the premise that stocks rise much more often than they fall, and since you are either too stupid or lazy to actually understand how investing actually works, you are just better off making investments and forgetting about them. Hopefully, you will win.

「buy and hold」お念仏戦略は、本質的に株式というのは下落するよりも上昇することのほうが多いという前提に基いている、実際の相場がどう動くかということを理解できないほどにあなたがオバカさんか無精ものなら、投資のことなど忘れたほうがよい、触らぬ神にたたり無しだ。たぶん、逃げるが勝ちだ。

This is the equivalent of saying: “Since 8 out of 10 people who play ‘Russian Roulette’ survive the first pull of the trigger, the odds are in your favor of winning.”


While that is entirely true, it is the 20% of the time you lose that matters most.


The chart below shows the long-term view of the market, going back to 1920, as compared to GAAP valuations. This is a QUARTERLY price chart which also shows the points in history where valuations have collided with extreme overbought conditions.



While hindsight is pretty clear about what happens given the current environment of weak economic and profit growth combined with high valuations and deteriorating technical underpinnings, the ultimate outcome took months to develop. Just as with the “boy who cried wolf,” warnings eventually fell on “deaf ears” at the point those warnings actually mattered.


Currently, there is little argument the “bullish trend” remains intact. As such the mainstream analysis, if you can actually call it that, continues to the tout the inherent benefits of low cost, passive indexing and the ultimate “chase for yield.” However, it is here the real danger lies. Much of the monetary flows into passive indexes is actually NOT PASSIVE. When the eventual reversion comes, and it will, the pain inflicted on individuals, as is always the case, will turn “passive indexers” in “panicked sellers.”

It is here that being a contrarian will pay its dividends. Unfortunately, as is too often the case, there are few individuals who actually “sold high” in order to “buy low” when the real long-term investment opportunities are “laid to bare.”

現在は、「ブル相場」に関する議論は殆ど無い。主要メディアのアナリストがいつも推奨することだが、もしあなたがそれに乗るなら、低価格のパッシブ(安全)インデックス運用で利回りをもとめるだろう。「しかしながら、ここに本当の危険が待ち受けている。多くの資金がこのパッシブ(安全)インデックスに流入するということは実際には安全ではないということだ。やがて相場反転が訪れると、これは不可避だが、個人投資家に苦痛が押し付けられる、これはいつものことだが、状況は「passive indexers」から「panicked sellers」へと変わる。(訳注:音韻を踏んでおり日本語にできません。)こういうときにコントラリアンは儲けを得る。不幸なことに、あまりにもよく起こることなのだが、次に訪れる「安値で買う」良いチャンスのために事前に「高値で売る」ことのできる人はほとんど居ない、本当の長期投資の機会がそこに待ち受けているのに。

In the meantime, here is what I am reading this weekend.


Fed / Economy


Interesting Reads

“The only reason a great many American families don’t own an elephant is that they have never been offered an elephant for a dollar down and easy weekly payments..” — Mad Magazine

「米国家庭で象を飼わない唯一の理由はこれだ、安い値段で象が提供されることがないからだ・・・」ーーMad Magazine