

A Confused Janet Yellen Tries To Figure Out If Stocks Are In A Bubble, Fails

Tyler Durden's picture

So much can change in two years.


On July 15, 2014, in the Fed's biannual report on Yellen's Congressional testimony, the US central bank had its first Greenspan moment when it duly warned that “valuation metrics in some sectors do appear substantially stretched–particularly those for smaller firms in the social media and biotechnology industries, despite a notable downturn in equity prices for such firms early in the year.


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Did we say two years? Make that three months: just this past June, the Fed's monetary policy report once again warned that valuations pressures "rose for a few asset classes" as "forward price-to-earnings ratios for equities have increased to a level well above their median of the past three decades."



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Actually, scratch three months: just one month ago on the day of this year's Jackson Hole conference, when asked by Steve Liesman what his "judgment on asset bubbles", the Fed's biggest dove James Bullard  said that "I think we are on the high side of fairly valued, I could see the process getting away from us, maybe tech stocks, maybe others" even as he qualified that  "the Fed model has nothing about asset price bubbles, most models don't have anything about that", and as a result no Fed model ever forecasts asset bubbles, which incidentally explains why the traditional side-effect of Fed policy over the past decade has been, drumroll, asset bubbles.

実際、この三ヶ月を見ると:ひと月前のJackson Hole会議でのことだ、「資産バブルの判断について」Steve Liesmanが尋ねたとき、FED内の最強ハト派であるJames Bullardはこう答えた「フェアバリューの上限に有ると私は思う、これは持続可能ではなかろう、特にテック株やその他で」ただし彼は限定条件を述べた「FEDモデルは資産バブルを考慮していない、FED採用の多くの経済モデルで資産バブルは考慮していない」、その結果当然だがFED経済モデルが資産バブルを予想したこともない、この何十年のFED金融政策でも資産バブルは偶然の副作用とみなされてきた。

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Fast forward to this past week's FOMC's press conference, when in a direct question if Yellen is worried she is causing asset bubbles "because of prolonged low interest rates", suddenly all concerns - those voiced by the Fed two years ago and three months ago, as well as those of James Bullard as recently as a few weeks, magically vaporized, and were replaced by this: "we routinely monitor asset valuations... nobody can know for sure what type of valuation represents a bubble."

So, which is it: are valuation metrics "substantially stretched", and have "price to earnings ratios for equities increased to a level well above their median", a process which risks "getting away from us", with asset bubbles emerging in "tech stocks, maybe others"... or as Yellen just said, "nobody can know for sure what valuation represents a bubble"?

では先週のFOMC会見を見直してみよう、Yellen自身が資産バブルの要因について不安視している「低金利が長期間継続しているためと」、唐突に懸念材料が吹き出したーーFED自身からだ、二年前とまた三ヶ月前に、James Bullardは最近このことに言及しなくなった、そのかわりに言うのはこうだ:「我々は常に資産バリュエーションを監視している・・ただしバリュエーションがどの程度になればバブルと言えるかは誰にもわからない。」


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Whatever the answer, we are confident that once Janet Yellen is confident that valuations do represent a bubble, she will promptly advise the investing public to sell.

答えはどうであれ、ZeroHedgeは確信している、一旦Janet Yellen自身がバリュエーションがバブル域にあると確信すると、彼女は直ちに投資家に公式売り推奨をしてくれるだろうと。

h/t @stockboardasset