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11 Signs That The U.S. Economy Is Rapidly Deteriorating Even As The Stock Market Soars

Tyler Durden's picture


Submitted by Michael Snyder via The Economic Collapse blog,

We have seen this story before, and it never ends well.  From mid-March until early May 2008, a vigorous stock market rally convinced many investors that the market turmoil of late 2007 and early 2008 was over and that happy days were ahead for the U.S. economy.  But of course we all know what happened.  It turned out that the market downturns of late 2007 and early 2008 were just “foreshocks” of a much greater crash in late 2008.  The market surge in the spring of 2008 was just a mirage, and it masked rapidly declining economic fundamentals.  Well, the exact same thing is happening right now.  The Dow rose another 222 points on Tuesday, but meanwhile virtually every number that we are getting is just screaming that the overall U.S. economy is steadily falling apart.  So don’t be fooled by a rising stock market.  Just like in the spring of 2008, all of the signs are pointing to an avalanche of bad economic news in the months ahead.  The following are 11 signs that the U.S. economy is rapidly deteriorating…


#1 Total business sales have been declining for nearly two years, and they are now about 15 percent lower than they were in late 2014.

#1 もう二年も売上は下落している、すでに2014年遅くよりも15%も下回っている。


#2 The inventory to sales ratio is now back to near where it was during the depths of the last recession.  This means that there is lots and lots of unsold stuff just sitting around out there, and that is a sign of a very unhealthy economy.

#2 売上に対する在庫比率を見るとこの前のリセッション期と同じだ。倉庫に売れ残り品が山積みされているということで、不健全経済の兆候だ。


#3 Corporate earnings have declined for four consecutive quarters.  This never happens outside of a recession.

#3 企業収益は4四半期連続で悪化している。リレッション以外でこういうことが起こったことがない。


#4 Profits for companies listed on the S&P 500 were down 7.1 percent during the first quarter of 2016 when compared to the same time period a year ago.

#4 S&P500を構成する企業の2016Q1利益は前年比で7.1%下落している。


#5 In April, commercial bankruptcies were up 32 percent on a year over year basis, and Chapter 11 filings were up 67 percent on a year over year basis.  This is exactly the kind of spike that we witnessed during the initial stages of the last major financial crisis as well.

#5 この4月に企業倒産は昨年比で32%増加した、Chapter 11 倒産処理手続に入った来ぎょ言うは年率67%増加している。まさに急騰だが、同様の現象が前回の金融危機の初期段階で見られた。


#6 U.S. rail traffic was 11 percent lower last month than it was during the same month in 2015.  Right now there are 292 Union Pacific engines sitting idle in the middle of the Arizona desert because there is literally nothing for them to do.

#6 米国鉄道輸送は前年比で11%下落している。今まさに292のUnion Pacific機関車がアリゾナの砂漠で待機している。


#7 The U.S. economy has lost an astounding 191,000 mining jobs since September 2014.  For areas of the country that are heavily dependent on mining, this has been absolutely devastating.

#7 米国経済は2014年9月以来で、なんと191,000の鉱山職を失っている。鉱山業に強く依存している地域では、経済はまさに壊滅的だ。


#8 According to Challenger, Gray & Christmas, U.S. firms announced 35 percent more job cuts during April than they did in March.  This indicates that our employment problems are accelerating.

#8 人材活用会社 Challenger, Gray & Christmasによるとこの4月に前月に比べて35%増の解雇を行った。この状況は雇用状況をさらに悪化している。


#9 So far this year, job cut announcements are running 24 percent above the exact same period in 2015.

#9 今年に入り、解雇通告は2015年の同時期に比べ24%増えている。


#10 U.S. GDP grew at just a 0.5 percent annual rate during the first quarter of 2016.  This was the third time in a row that the GDP number has declined compared to the previous quarter, and let us not forget that the formula for calculating GDP was changed last year specifically to make the first quarter of each year look better.  Without that “adjustment”, it is quite possible that we would have had a negative number for the first quarter.

#10 米国GDPの成長は2016Q1にわずか年率0.5%だった。GDPが前四半期よりも減少するのはもう3四半期連続だ、忘れてならないのはGDPの算出方法が昨年改訂され、年初四半期に良い数値がでるようになっている。この「調整」がなければ、今年Q1はマイナス成長になるところだった。


#11 Barack Obama is poised to become the first president in U.S. history to never have a single year during his time in office when the economy grew by more than 3 percent.

#11 オバマ大統領は歴代初の大統領となる、在任中一度も年率3%成長を経験しなかった大統領としてだ。

But you never hear Obama talk about that statistic, do you?

And the mainstream media loves to point the blame at just about anyone else.  In fact, the Washington Post just came out with an article that is claiming that the big problem with the economy is the fact that U.S. consumers are saving too much money…


そして主要メディアは責任転嫁するのが大好きだ。実際、Washington Postは経済停滞の理由を記事にした、なんと米国消費者が貯蓄し過ぎだと・・・・

The surge in saving is the real drag on the economy. It has many causes. “People got a cruel lesson about [the dangers] of debt,” says economist Matthew Shapiro of the University of Michigan. Households also save more to replace the losses suffered on homes and stocks. But much saving is precautionary: Having once assumed that a financial crisis of the 2008-2009 variety could never happen, people now save to protect themselves against the unknown. Research by economist Mark Zandi of Moody’s Analytics finds higher saving at all income levels.

過剰な貯蓄が経済に害毒となる。多くの理由がある。「国民は負債についてよく勉強した」、University of Michiganの経済学者 Matthew Shapiroは言う。家計は住宅や株式で生じた損失を補うためにさらに貯蓄をする。しかし多額の貯蓄は予防措置である:2008−2009のような金融危機が起きるとは思わないが、人々は将来に対する不安から身を守るために貯蓄をする。MoodysのエコノミストMark Zandiの調査によると、あらゆる所得階層で貯蓄率が高まっている。

So even though half the country is flat broke, I guess we are all supposed to do our patriotic duty by going out and running up huge balances on our credit cards.

What a joke.



Of course the U.S. economy is actually doing significantly better at the moment than almost everywhere else on the planet.  Many areas of South America have already plunged into an economic depression, major banks all over Europe are in the process of completely melting down, Japanese GDP has gone negative again despite all of their emergency measures, and Chinese stocks are down more than 40 percent since the peak of the market.


This is a global economic slowdown, and just like in 2008 it is only a matter of time before the financial markets catch up with reality.  I really like how Andrew Lapthorne put it recently

これが世界的経済停滞というものだ、2008年と同様に金融市場がこれに追いつくのは時間の問題だ。私は、Andrew Lapthorneの最近の記事に同意する・・・・

On the more bearish slant is Andrew Lapthorne, head of quantitative strategy at Societe Generale. To him this profit downturn is a sign that stocks are far too overvalued and the economy is weaker than you think.

Andrew Lapthorneはさらにベア派に傾いている、彼はSociete Generaleの分析主任だ。彼によると利益の下落は株価下落の前兆で皆が思っているよう見も経済は過剰評価されている。

“MSCI World EPS is now declining at the fastest pace since 2009, losing 4% in the last couple of months alone (this despite stronger oil prices),” wrote Lapthorne in a note. For the S&P 500 specifically, the year on year drop in profit drop was the most since third quarter of 2009.

「MSCI 世界EPSは2009年以来最速で下落している、この2か月だけで4%下落した(オイル反転にも関わらず)」、とLapthorneは記事を書いた。特にS&P500に関しては、利益の前年比下落は2009Q3以来のものだ。


“Global earnings are now 14% off the peak set in August 2014 and back to where they stood five years ago. Equity prices on the other hand are 25% higher. Gravity beckons!”


I couldn’t have said it better myself.


Look, this is not a game.


So far in 2016, three members of my own extended family have lost their jobs.  Businesses are going under at a pace that we haven’t seen since 2008, and this means that more mass layoffs are on the way.

We can certainly be happy that U.S. stocks are doing okay for the moment.  May it stay that way for as long as possible.  But anyone that believes that this state of affairs can last indefinitely is just being delusional.


Gravity beckons, and the crash that is to come is going to be a great sight to behold.
